Art Director & Graphic Designer


b. 1995. Savannah, GA.


I identify as a Slytherin - LET ME FINISH - and Ravenclaw. I am a trifecta of energy comprised of Leslie Knope’s tenacity, April Ludgate’s chill factor and Tom Haverford’s persistence. I believe in working hard and “treating yo’ self.” You can call me Na’im (NY-eem).

Interesting Facts:

  1. I know a wheelbarrow full of animal facts. Elephants are the only animals that can die from a broken heart.

  2. Pancakes over waffles. All day. Every day. We can talk syrup distribution logistics.

  3. Mindy Kaling and I bonded over pomme frites* in Cannes.

    *partly true. There were no french, french fries but we did get a picture together.

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